Happy loving, older couple, representing retirement planning by Peterson Wealth Advisors

Thinking about

crinkled white paper backdrop, used in image with a retirement planning book

Retire with confidence.
We wrote the book on it.

Book - Plan on Living: A Retiree's Guide to Lasting Income & Enduring Wealth
Head shot smiling mature grandmother piggy backing little granddaughter, representing Retirement Income Planning

Exclusively offering the
Perennial Income ModelTM

Snow capped Wasatch Front Rocky Mountains, Great Salt Lake Valley. Utah, USA. Representing Wealth Advisors for the Great Salt Lake Valley

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One-stop Retirement Shop.

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Shannon & Julie and Evan & Holly share their stories of how Peterson Wealth gives them peace of mind.

Where are you in your retirement process?

Approaching Retirement

Case Study #1

After working and saving for years, Jennifer is thinking about retirement. But she feels lost on where to start.

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Transitioning to Retirement

Case Study #2

Will and Olivia are preparing to sell their business as they shift into retirement. They’re excited, but don’t feel fully prepared.

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Currently Retired

Case Study #3

Gary and Linda are currently retired. But they’re starting to worry they may outlive their savings.

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*Disclaimer: The above case studies are hypothetical in nature. They do not directly represent Peterson Wealth Advisors clients, nor do they guarantee specific results.

Will you outlive your money?

Our proprietary time-segmented strategy powers your income throughout retirement.

Discover the Perennial Income ModelTM

Learn more
Perennial Retirement Income Planning Model


Get your complimentary copy:

Plan on Living: The Retiree’s Guide to Lasting Income & Enduring Wealth

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T. Weaver

Plan on Living… explains in lay terms the different types of investments and their pros/cons – all before presenting a revolutionary yet common-sense approach to retirement.

Who knew you could actually understand and find the world of investing interesting! This book truly ought to be required reading starting with every high school graduate and working up to those looking to retire. “

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“A must-read for retirees!

Plan on Living deals with retirement strategies for those who have just retired or about to retiree. Each chapter has a fitting quote at the beginning to build on and many examples are then given to represent the points being discussed. I find the points very compelling as I am within a year or two of retirement and will be dealing with the issues discussed in the book.

I have had some very good personal conversations with Scott and been very satisfied with his plan, which was presented to me before reading the book, but now I have a clear understanding of why the approach.”

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Plan on Living was really great. It lines up very well with my approach to finances. I like the Perennial approach for the disbursement phase, it gave me a lot to think about. I didn’t know financial advisors specialized in that phase versus the wealth-building phase. Thank you very much for the book and the wealth of knowledge imparted.”

*Disclosure: These reviews are provided by clients and non-clients.
They were not compensated and are not affiliated persons of PWA.

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The Secret to Sustainable Retirement Income: The Perennial Income Model™

Speaker | Scott Peterson
Feb. 25 | 12 PM MT

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