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common questions.
At Peterson Wealth Advisors,
we believe in transparency.
If you have a question, especially about retirement, we’re here to answer it. We’ve taken the liberty to answer a few of the most commonly asked questions here. If you still need information, please ask.
Do you work with clients out of state?
Absolutely! While our office is located in Orem, Utah, we serve clients remotely nationwide.
How are retirement planning services priced?
At Peterson Wealth Advisors we don’t charge hourly or get paid on retainer. Instead, we charge an Assets Under Management fee – a percent of the total assets we manage on your behalf. This fee covers all of the services we provide from planning to tax strategy to investment management.
Who do we serve best?
We’re best suited to work with those approaching, or already in retirement. Typically, our clients have a minimum of $1,000,000 in investable assets and are looking to secure a reliable stream of income throughout retirement and are looking to create a legacy for their families.
Working together, how and when do we communicate?
We’re fans of proactive communication. That means scheduling face-to-face, phone, or webcam time whenever you need it. You can also email or call us anytime with questions. At a minimum, we speak with clients twice a year to review their Perennial Income Model and financial planning needs.
How do you help my spouse when I die?
At Peterson Wealth Advisors, we believe in tight-knit relationships. Through our work together, we come to know our clients, and their families closely. We’re able to plan for life events like physical disability, cognitive decline, and death well in advance. We’ll ensure your family is prepared and protected whatever happens.
Do you work with other professionals? If so, how?
Absolutely! We work with our client’s CPAs, attorneys, and other professionals to ensure we are all on the same page when it comes to helping you have a fulfilling retirement.
What’s up with the pine cone?
The bristlecone pine, the oldest and most durable of all tree species, grows in only a select few high-altitude locations in the western United States. Some of these trees are estimated to be as old as the Egyptian pyramids. Lightning strikes, droughts, temperatures of fifty degrees below zero, and snow depths of ten to fifteen feet annually are the challenges of the environment where the bristlecone pine thrives.
If you are retired, or nearing that threshold, you have experienced some extreme financial conditions during your working career that could be likened to the extremes experienced by the bristlecone pine. It should be expected that during your retirement financial storms of one kind or another will continue to afflict us with regularity.
The ultimate measure of a successful retirement is not to avoid every financial storm that comes along–that just can’t be done. The key to a financially successful retirement is to create a plan that is resilient like the bristlecone pine, a plan that is prepared to provide you the income and the peace of mind you will need to withstand whatever comes your way.